Once again, it is that time of year in which East Tennessee Christian Home & Academy celebrates all that we have to be thankful for in our annual GIVE THANKS Campaign. This year we ask that you dig a bit deeper in your pockets now and ongoing throughout the year to help us meet the ongoing rising costs of this ministry. As you can imagine the Covid-19 pandemic and inflation has stretched our resources and energies but we are as committed during these difficult times to share the gospel and help at risk children and their families. During this past year we have provided stability, while we spur our kids towards a deeper walk with Christ. In addition, we provided benevolence funds and counseling to children and families in our aftercare program. This year we have set our goal to raise $75,000 for the continued needs and in honor of our 75th Anniversary. Yes! 75 years of providing home, hope and purpose to hundreds and hundreds of children.
Our commitment to remain free from state dollars and influence remains the same. Even though it has been difficult, we have stood steadfast in that decision. Lives have been forever changed. We saw this evidenced this year, with two of our young ladies graduating. They both had huge obstacles to overcome but both stood at their graduation and proclaimed how God and ETCHA had changed their lives and brought healing and joy not only in their lives but the lives of their families as well. It is the joy and healing from within that only Jesus Christ can provide. We are excited to see God work in their lives!
Each year ETCHA asks that all supporters remember this ministry during the holiday season by contributing to the GIVE THANKS Campaign. As you and your loved ones celebrate the joy of this special time of year, we encourage you to share with the ETCHA ministry a monetary gift equal to or greater than the amount that you spend for your holiday meal. Each year our supporters respond generously and we thank you and above all we thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! No amount is too small and we ask you once again to give richly! ETCHA is a 501(c) 3 organization and every dollar is tax-deductible.